Tuesday, March 13, 2018

On Writing EVERY Day (Advice from Twitter)

As a person who follows hundreds of academics across social media, I very frequently see reminders that we should all be writing something every day. Indeed, that was the main reason for making this blog, so I could practice stringing sentences together at least several times a week. But, as anyone who has seen this blog can see, I haven't actually been writing about what I'm researching, only how I'm researching.

The problem is, I haven't known what to write about my topic. I'm researching a number of rather obscure people, groups, and communities, so I don't feel like I have enough information about anything or anyone to write about in any way worth my time quite yet. I did start an annotated bibliography recently, but other than that, I haven't really been "writing" anything yet. Outside of the hundreds of index cards I've been furiously scribbling my notes onto for the past week, that is.

So, during a work break this morning, I shot off the following tweet:
Now usually, when I ask questions on #twitterstorians or #AcademicTwitter, I almost never get a reply. But, by some magic (and kind RTs from @AcademicChatter, @raulpacheco, & @erin_bartram!) I actually did get a slew of them this morning, and I think they're worth sharing here, too.

There were also a number of tweets in support of note-taking itself being considered academic writing:

And I think @HthrLynnJ's points are especially important and worth highlighting:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday Roundup: 3/11/18

So, I think I might start doing these, if I can remember to add to it throughout the week. I didn't this week and it lead to taking too much time Sunday morning just going through twitter alone to find the link-worthiest links.

So these are all just some of my favorite or worth-sharing-again tweets/links I saw this week.

Academia, etc:
Important miscellany:
And finally:

Friday, March 9, 2018

Research Methods Virtual Open House @ SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Method's "Virtual Open House" is going on now. Free access to a TON of online research methodology articles, chapters, ebooks, etc. I've just lost several hours of my day to collecting some really great resources over there!

Free access runs until March 18.

Learm more: Research Methods Virtual Open House: Doors are Open!

#AcWriChat 3.9.18 - Building a network through blogs & social media

I just happened to catch my first #AcWriChat on twitter this morning! Today's chat was about 'Building a network through blogs and social media.'

I'm not really in a 'build a network' stage yet, but I'm glad I attended. @TextandAcademicAuthors shared a lot of great resources, including lists which included some academic bloggers I wasn't following yet! (I love finding new blogs to follow!)

I'm now going through the #AcWriChat archives and I wanted to make note (/link) of some of the other chats that I'm finding useful:

#AcWriChat 12/15/2017 - Imagining
This #AcWriChat event focused on imagining your writing project: thinking about the writing project, reflecting on insights, and looking for ways to interpret and explain findings
 #AcWriChat 12/29/2017 - Organizing (part 1)

This week we will begin to look at the organization of a writing project, specifically gathering ideas from existing literature, prioritizing content for inclusion in the new work, and outlining the thematic structure of the manuscript.
There are more chat archives over at: TAA #AcWriChat re-caps on getting organized, writing productivity, and more!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

School Supply Wish List!

Wow. I burn through index cards QUICKLY.

Yet another reason why I was so hoping to find a good digital alternative!!

To help me keep track of what I'm using and what I need, I just made a list on Amazon (as I do for everything), and I figured it only makes sense to also post it here, just in case any generous person with a few bucks to spare ever happens across the link and wants to contribute a pack of note cards or something. 😉👼💓

 My Home(Grad)Schooling Supply (Wish) List!