Friday, June 10, 2016

Podcast: Philosophize This! - How to Win an Argument Pt. 1 (Logical Fallacies)

Listened to this on the drive to work this morning.

I've been fascinated by the still rather-new-to-me concept of Logical Fallacies (6 years of college and I never ran into them before?!?! Ugh.) and with things like this, sometimes it takes me a bunch of exposure before it really starts to stick. Philosophize This! is actually the first podcast I ever downloaded, but then I got distracted by some other great 'casts, and went without listening to any at all for a month or so-- but I've started listening once more, and I must say it's one of my favorite podcasts out there. Stephen West does a great job of making things simple and easy to absorb.

In this episode he talks about the importance of learning to craft and refute arguments well, and thus the necessity of understanding logical fallacies. He goes on to discuss several, which I will list here, with illustrations (first two pictures from An Illustrated Guide to Logical Fallacies, which has been sitting in my Amazon Wishlist for ages!)

  • Argument from Ignorance // Appeal to Ignorance (Wiki, Fallacy Files)

    • Argument from Incredulity // Lack of Imagination (Wiki)


  • Appeal to the Bandwagon // Appeal to Popularity \\ Argument by Consensus (Wiki, Fallacy Files)

1 comment:

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