"If only I could just print out these notes," I thought! Well, since my printer didn't accept note cards, I figured I'd just print out the text (which would save time since I could copy/paste!) and glue them to the note cards, which for some reason I still wrote the topic & citation (number) on.
It worked for a while, until I started getting lazy, and instead of printing and cutting/pasting every time i got a page or two worth of quotes, I started pushing it back further and further...
And now, well, 5 months and 2 moves later, I have a ton of empty-but-cited note cards and only somehow two of the printouts I had made left.
I am full of regret.
But! Now I'm staying with my boyfriend, and his printer CAN print on note cards.
4x6 at the smallest, which complicates things, as all the hundreds of cards that I already have done are 3x5... but what can you do?
(Weep, is the answer.)
Anyway, over the last week I've been figuring out how best to do this new set of note cards, and as of now, I've come up with this.
Subject (in the header)-> More specific subject*
The quote/thoughts/notes.
Chicago-style ciation (in the footer)
*(handwritten bc headers have to be the same and I don't want to start a billion new documents)
Now, I know ideally you should only have one fact (or quote) per note card, and many of mine probably have too much info on them, but as of now, I'm just going with it. Hopefully as I continue, I'll get used to paring my chunks of copy/paste down and be better at distilling to the very essence of the facts I want to remember. For now, though, this is fine with me. I'll update as my system evolves!