Friday, August 17, 2018

Summer's over! Time to get back to research!

Now that my son is headed back to school, I have time once again to get back into my research! I moved at the beginning of summer, and I'm about to move again, so I'm reconfiguring my research set up and habits again.

This spring, I wrote out a LOT of note cards. I stopped because my EDS/HSD (a connective tissue condition) means that all the writing is killer on my hands, especially my index fingers, as the pressure from gripping the pen makes the joint hyperextend excessively. 

I tried the PenAgain, which a lot of fellow EDSers use, and was super pleased at first, but after just a couple weeks I realized that:

  1. They run out of ink SO QUICKLY
  2. It's better than regular pens, but still makes my fingers/hands cramp
  3. I take way too many notes (but i'm also probably not going to stop)
  4. Sometimes I just really NEED to have multiple copies of the same card to put in different places in my organizational system, but neither my fingers nor my attention span play nicely with that need. 

So, what I really think I need, is a way to print out note cards.

A LOT of them. 

So this morning I've been trying to figure out how I can do just that. 

Articles like this one taught me that, hey! Sometimes regular printers can print on note cards! Including mine! HOORAY!

But, then it says how to print out of Word, which I do not have a functioning copy of. So, after looking up some free word processing software options, I downloaded WPS Office. It does have a page layout template for notecards, but then I realized it doesn't have a citation plugin for my reference manager, Mendeley. So then I downloaded LibreOffice, which is Mendeley compatible... but then I couldn't figure out how to format it to index card size! So, back to WPS Writer I went.

Oh, and somewhere in there I downloaded Zotero and started trying that out, too, since Mendeley wasn't giving me any good options of how to cite The Great Courses lecture I'm currently listening to. Maybe my next post will be about how I manage to get this system working!

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